I once heard that your heartbeat follows the rhythm of the person you love

Like you have entered their music piece

And they have entered yours

Each with your own patterns of black and white

Like of a piano

Your rhythm can match theirs

As you both walk on sheet music accompanied by the other

But your keys still tell their own stories

Every melody continuing a chapter

And the notes on your sheet stops when it does

I feel

As the rhythm plays with two intertwined

A perfect harmony of ups and downs begin

As of a waltz, where your steps match

But the twirls of your hair

And the flow of your clothing

Will always differ

But strange, isn’t it?

Everytime you move with the other

A splendid blend is created through the beats of the song

Like a drawing

Where every color mixes and compliments

Covers and emphasizes

A beautiful image

Just like fixing yourself

Adding and erasing some

For the better you, a better us

Allow me to correct myself

It isn't fixing or erasing

But adding in different shades

To allow your other colors to shine

For the brights of your smiles

But also

For the sad of your cries

At the end of the day

Every color shares a different meaning

Every dance shows a different beauty

And every music touches a different soul

Everything that you are

Is a different meaning for a different definition

Ordinary for some

Special for some

And just like life

You can add more and more

As the present become memories

And as cries turn into laughs

Or maybe the other way around

Both you and I

will never know what's to come

But that itself

… is what we call “life”